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Calling everyone to help.  

Monday, September 28, 2009

The devastation caused by tropical storm “Ondoy” (international code name Ketsana) was massive, leaving 86 people dead, 29 missing, four injured, and 47,261 persons displaced.


The NDCC placed the partial total of affected population in Metro Manila, Bulacan, Pampanga, Batangas, Laguna, Rizal and Camarines Sur at 59,241 families or 294,555 persons, while a partial number of evacuees was placed at 9,601 families or 47,261 persons in 102 evacuation centers.


Hurricane Katrina rainfall = 380mm in Louisiana.
Typhoon Ondoy rainfall = 410mm in Manila, Philippines.

And Philippines is a 3rd world country. Please help in any way you can.

You can send in donations to Philippine National Red Cross.

For those abroad, the best and easiest way to donate is online (IMHO).

For online donations to Philippine National Red Cross click here:

American Red Cross has NO direct fund for typhoon victims in the Philippines! Please give directly to PNRC. Thank you.

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