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It feels like Christmas!  

Monday, October 05, 2009

After the Ondoy disaster, I am more proud to be a Filipino.

I saw how Filipinos around the world moved fast (and still are), and did whatever they can to help fellow Filipinos who were (are) in need.

Another proof of how kind, warm, and big hearted Filipinos are.

I've heard of people singing "Happy Birthday" to a man they were saving when they found out it was his birthday. I've seen pictures, videos of people donating their gift of smile to people who need it. The positive vibe, the will to move on and look forward, the bayanihan, and the great love for life never cease to warm my heart.

Seeing all of these makes me feel like it's Christmas already.
And I love the feeling. ♥ ♥ ♥

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