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End Of Book Hunt.  

Monday, July 05, 2010

As promised my hunt for books continued today. I went to, again, 3 bookstores.

On to the first where I bought nothing..



Okei, Haruki Murakami's "The Wind-up Bird Chronicle" was is on my list, but I got scared on how THICK it is. I need to know if I'll like Murakami first, before I invest on his books. :-P

But I found this, and decided that if I don't find any other way to get my hands on the English version of this book I'll have to buy this, also because it's on sale.

Spuntnik Sweetheart by Haruki Murakami in Italian.

Second bookstore, still no luck on getting my hands on anything...


... but at least they let me order one of the books I'm looking for, Murakami's "Sputnik Sweetheart".


Third and last bookstore, I finally found One day by David Nicholls.



AND, The Diary of a Young Girl: The Definitive Edition. It was calling me, because it was on sale. :-P



For some reason, there's no way to order "Chasing Lightnings" by Rachel York, and they have no idea who she is. I guess this means... Off to Ebay I go... :-)

All in all, I spent €36.80 for 4 books. For now, my book hunt ends. Will buy books next month na ulit. :-)

Good night everyone! To whoever wants, I'll see you in my dreams! :-)

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