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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Most times I have a weird sense of humour that only a few people (mostly those who are close to me, or those who like me have a weird sense of humour) get and understand. There are times when I can find humour in the most normal, unhumorous things.

I don't like talking to people who do not have a sense of humour. Life would be too boring and too dragging, if you take everything too seriously and cannot laugh at yourself, every once in a while. I stopped following people on Twitter, unfriend some people on Facebook, and stopped reading some blogs, because I don't get their sense of humour, or lack of it. I'm not saying I have the best and greatest sense of humour in the whole wide world, but you know, last time I checked this is a free world. :-)

Twitter is one of my sources for funny things. A lot of people there are just plain hilarious. Smartmatic PCOS machine (@PCOSmachine) has a Twitter account, it's hilarious! Hahaha! You should follow it (I'm not following it, it tweets too much, but I do visit its page to read its tweet). And I got this one off Twitter too. If you are too sensitive, and do not understand humour, leave now.

Cheers Pilipinas, the new Springfield!

[Image via http://twitpic.com/1mvd2w]

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