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Moniker: Dindin
Location: Milan, Italy
Religion: Roman Catholic
Star Sign: Libra

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Boyz II men - Amazed. [Lonestar cover]


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Head Over Heart.  

Thursday, March 25, 2010

It's hard when people's decision ends up messing your plans, and inevitably leave you from having too many options, to no option at all. It's hard when you're always second to someone else on everyone's "priority list". It's hard when the voice of the mind starts to sound louder than that of the heart, and it's harder when you have to just play deaf to your heart's desire because you have no other choice but let your head speak.

Happiness is a state of mind, I know this won't make me happy now, but I'll eventually learn how to be, or at least, continue faking it... I've been trying to fake it for the last 8-9 years in vain, but as they say, practice makes perfect.

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