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Highschool Reunion.  

Friday, October 16, 2009

So there's a highschool reunion planned for December 27.

I might be in the Philippines for the Holidays. So a few days back, I was actually thinking of going to this reunion, because it's proabably the only reunion I'll get invited to, since I did not attend college in the Philippines.

But, then a few hours ago, I have come to a decision, I'm not going. Aside from the fact that the reunion's 2 days after Christmas, and I might be stuck with family reunions, I don't think my 2 other cousins-slash-batchmates are going either... I have a strong feeling that this "Batch 2001 Reunion" might actually turn out to be "Their Barkada's Reunion", and then I'll feel totally off rather than enjoying the party. And knowing that I can meet up with old friends I've had since highschool out of that reunion, because I'm still in touch with them, made deciding a lot easier. So, yeah.

Have fun those of you who are going! =)
♥ ♥ ♥

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