K24/7 as R&B Artist Of The Year! 
Monday, March 22, 2010
Please vote for K24/7 as R&B Artist Of The Year at the Philippine Hip-Hop Awards.
Show your love! You can vote every hour. Thank you!
Edit - March 23, 2010
This is (most) probably the last time I'm promoting this thing. I don't like it when competition starts to get violent. (-_-")
I hope people will calm down a little, as I understand the top 5 will get nominated, right? So, seriously, there's no need to hate on others. Other people has the right to vote too you know, just like you and me.. If the nominee they're rooting for catches up, just vote for K24/7 again and again, and again, and stop hating. :-)
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Whispers for K24/7 as R&B Artist Of The Year!