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Location: Milan, Italy
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Star Sign: Libra

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To Die Of A Broken Heart.  

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Only few people believe that someone could actually die of a broken heart, and I'm one of those few people. Most people say I'm just being too sentimental.. Well... My friend's dog, who she left in Peru last year, just died. According to the vet. the dog died of a broken heart.. So sad. :-(

I'm now worried for my Andi. When I talked to Andi's vet. about leaving her behind when I travel so that I could spare her the trauma of long, exhausting flights, the vet. told me that my dog would definitely prefer the long exhausting flight than to be left behind and not spend time with me for a long time. And now this. I don't want her to get sick because she's going to be too sad when I leave without her. :-(

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