Eating My Words. 
Friday, March 26, 2010
I honestly have no idea who Urbanation was. The first time I heard of them was when a friend told me one story about the band, which was not, in anyway, related to music, and did not in anyway impress me or made me curious about them, or the music they play. Hey, they can be one of the best bands there is in the Philippines, and I would not have a clue.
I love South Border (aka SB), and since SB's main man's brother was a member of K24/7, I knew K24/7 existed. Then some years ago someone (one of my closest friends now) "approached" me online, and told me to check out K24/7, as in to actually listen to them play, and watch them on videos, and befriend the band's drummer on Multiply. So I did, because I'm masunurin like that. Since then I became a fan.
A couple of days ago, news about K24/7's nomination to be one of the nominees (no pun intended) as R&B artist of the year at the Philippine Hip-Hop Awards, (both K24/7 and Urbanation are nominated), showed up on Facebook. I clicked the link, voted, and saw that Urbanation was on lead, so I posted a link, both on Facebook and Twitter, to where people could vote for K24/7. Yes, I'm rooting for K24/7, if you haven't figure that out yet, hehehe. Before going to bed, I went back to the site just to check on the stats, I found out I can vote again, so I voted again and voilà, K24/7 was on lead. :-)
The next day I saw another link to where to vote, you know how Facebook wants you to be always updated with what your Facebook friends are up to, so I reposted it on my Facebook wall, clicked the link, voted and what do you know, Urbanation's back on top! I thought to myself, “This Urbanation must be really good!”, and curiosity got the best of me... I decided to search for them on Facebook, not a good idea... People were being all "hyper" (I can't think of any other term) about the voting thing... Some were being verbally violent about it already... I don't like it when things get violent, and since, as to what I understand all top 5 will get nominated anyway, and K24/7's ranking 2nd, I decided to just stop voting, promoting, and just forget about the whole hip-hop thing until all nominations were finalised.
Yesterday morning, while I was waiting in line and suffering from boredom, I decided to check on Facebook... And yes, I gave in, I clicked on Urbanation's page again, seriously bad move talaga, and there it was again, only worst, parang I felt that some people were (directly) offending other people they (most) probably don't even know... The verbal diarrhea was just... Wow! Okei, truth be told, on K24/7's fan page, some did insinuate that there's probably some thing going on... They had doubts, so they acted doubtful, and said it “out loud”... How normal is that? They did insinuate, but that's just about it. Since we are not all geniuses, some people actually need other people to clarify things and explain how this percentage thing works, in a nice way, without being offensive.
Yes, I'm eating my own words, so people please vote for K24/7!!! You can vote every hour. I want them to get nominated with the most vote possible.
Yes, there are these rare times when I can be THIS childish. And yes, I want this to happen just to annoy the hell out those who are being just as childish, overly competitive (as in ang OA na ha), and acting oh-so smart.
A little competition is (almost) fine, just as long as you don't start trash talking, offending other people you haven't even met, and take things too seriously. I mean, come on, this online voting... It's not even for the TITLE yet.. Buti na lang the voting process for the actual title doesn't include public voting, or online voting for that matter.
This whole nomination thing will end in more than 30 days, so yeah, I'll probably get tired of wanting K24/7 have the most vote, and will start acting mature again before this whole thing ends. :-P
Don't ask why because I don't know why things that have nothing to do with me affect me this much. Just like with the prices of the concert tickets for John Mayer's concert in the Philippines, sobrang affected ako, eh I'm not even in the Philippines! :-))
Labels: Crazy world, K24/7, Silly Me, South Border
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