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Motivate Yourself, Make Your Day A Good Day.  

Monday, July 19, 2010

Today, Monday, I just decided to stay home. Cancelled all appointments and moved everything that needs to be done on Wednesday. I wanted to motivate myself, try to convince myself and the Universe that Tuesday will be a great day.

I stayed in bed until around lunch time, which, for me, means around 2PM. I got up, had lunch, showered, read a book, went back to bed, and watched the television. Before I could do more of doing nothing (ano daw? Hehehe.), it's 9PM already. I'll skip dinner, watch some DVD, or maybe read a book.. I don't know yet.

But this, I'm sure of, before I go to bed, I will tell myself, the Universe, and whoever is listening, that tomorrow I will get things done, it'd be a good, good, day. Thankyouverymuch.

Good night, and great dreams!

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