Sunday, September 05, 2010
I honestly don't get all this hype about this website. The moment I saw "Anti-Pinoy" on my screen, I cringed. The first thing that came to mind was that it was a website made by Hongkonger(s) against Filipinos for that hostage-taking crisis that happened, then when I found out that it was a Pinoy website, written by Pinoys, two words came to mind — Crab Mentality.
On their website (About section) it says:
"Does your coach yell at you and tell you what you’re doing wrong in practice? Why does he do that? Is it because he hates you and wants nothing to do with you? You think so? Then why are you still on the team, and starting every game? Sometimes the harshest criticisms, those words that hurt the most, are what in the end lead you to achieve your best.
In a very real way, this is what we’re about. We’re not here to put Pinoys down for the heck of it, after all, we are Pinoys too…it is an altogether uncomfortable realization that the land we call home is a dysfunctional mess, but it is hard not to see the painful truth. We love our country, we want the Philippines and all Filipinos to improve, and for this country and society to live up to its potential. But before that can happen, we need to know what’s wrong about us so that we can fix ourselves and point ourselves in the right direction."
I don't know about you, but if my coach starts calling him/herself Anti-Dindin, I don't think I'll still want him/her to be my coach. Seriously. I can accept all the criticisms you have to give me, even the harshest but there are nicer ways to say it, definitely not in front of the whole world. Or in this case nicer way to call a website, definitely not ANTI-Pinoy. This Anti-Pinoy thing just sounds so rude.
Truth be said, I haven't read anything on the site except the "About" section, and who knows maybe I'd even fall in love with the site if I start browsing through it, but not now. It's just that the Anti thing kinda throws me off. Hindi ba pedeng Or O kaya I know, I'm baduy like that. :-P
I don't like anything Anti. Period.
"I was once asked why I don't participate in anti-war demonstrations. I said that I will never do that, but as soon as you have a pro-peace rally, I'll be there."— Mother Teresa
Labels: Mabuhay Pilipinas, Mundong Ibabaw
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