There's Something About The Eyes. 
Thursday, September 01, 2011
Eyes don't lie. At least, those eyes I've seen never did.
Usually, I can tell when people are really in love, or at least happy in the relationship they are in. Because eyes don't lie. You see, when people are in love, there's a spark in their eyes. Their eyes glow. And even if they try to hide it, the happiness just shows.
[Just this Sunday one of my friends proved me right, again. Her eyes were smiling and glowing. There was no way to hide how happy she was. Hehehe.] :-)
And this brings me back to the point of this post.
I want to tell you, I don't see the spark in your eyes. And so far, no one does (at least, none of the people I know). And it's sad, because you've waited so long to finally be with someone, that it would be a sin to get stuck in a relationship with someone you only think you are in love with, when you could be out there with the person you are meant to be happy with.
Some times, some people just want to be with someone so bad, they stop really caring who the person they are with is. Just like how some times, some people want to fall in love so bad, they end up convincing theirselves they are in love even if they're not. They don't realize that most of the time, they are just in love with the idea of being in love, and then they miss out on all the best part and things of really being in love with your partner.
Please, don't spend your time being with someone you are not in love with, and who is not in love with you, either. Don't spend your time with someone you don't see yourself starting a family, waking up, sleeping, and spending the rest of your life with. It's not worth it, because you could, and should, be spending your time with the person you are meant to be with.
The rest of your life starts the moment you realize and feel who you are meant to be with. Start the rest of your life as soon as you can. Make it happen. Don't be trapped.
We don't think you're happy, and we want you to be. I want you to be happy.
But then again, who am I to know.
Labels: Buhay ng may Buhay, doing it the soap-opera way, I'm thinking of YOU, That's Amore
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Whispers for There's Something About The Eyes.
- kumiko mae whispered at Wednesday, September 07, 2011 11:43:00 PM