When there were five. 
Sunday, November 04, 2007
I've been back for almost half a month now. And I'm still trying to go back to my old routine, finding my old rhythm. Doing my web-surfing.
Well, I found this:
I really thought it'll be the 7 of them 'till the end na. They were finally making it in the US, they signed a record deal, a new album on the way. I was on vacation and supposedly having fun but when I found out that Duncan Ramos and Vince Alaras decided to leave South Border to pursue solo careers, I was in total shock and sad. Probably too sad, for someone who never really had the chance to meet them in person, that the people I was with felt they had to ask me what was wrong. I probably was staring blankly (and hard) at the screen. Just like most of the news about SB kasi, I found about it through an email. Since I didn't have 24/7 access to the internet I used my palm to read emails, and thinking about it now, I probably looked stupid staring at that small screen on our way back home. It was a night out with friends. So after a while I had my thoughts on other things.
T'was sad, actually it still is. I wanted to cry but I never liked the attention and I didn't want to have to explain what I thought they may think was childish and mababaw. I was trying not to be called exaggerated and maarte.
Somewhat the thought of it still saddens me and still could bring tears to the eyes. I guess it didn't hit me right there and then. And now it does. Slowly. As I change lay-outs, images for links and receive emails regarding changes on the site, details of shows, email that reads "featuring Duncan Ramos" or "with Vince Alaras". And with that, I still can't bring myself to change some of the pictures I have on my sites regarding SB. I can only imagine how people who've had the chance to really know them feel, people who spent time and moments with them, people who worked with them and fans, who all became friends. I can only imagine how them 7 feel. You might think I'm overreacting now and I probably am. But who cares? This is MY blog. :)
"Everything happens for a reason". Whatever the reason is, I just want SB, Vince A. and Duncan R. to know that no matter what, we'll still be here to support you guys all the way. And thank you so much for making beautiful songs, sharing it with the rest of us, songs that kept and will continue to keep me company through all these years and in the years to come and most of all, thank you for all the wonderful people I met thru SB. :)
This is the mellow dramatic-slash-cheesy part of me typing... Yes, I have come to love SB with all of my heart, and I'm sure the "breakup" hurts them more than it hurts me but as they say, the show must go on.
Labels: doing it the soap-opera way, Si Dindin, South Border, That's Amore
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Whispers for When there were five.