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I Cried Myself To Sleep.  

Monday, February 25, 2008

I went to bed at around 3 in the morning, nothing new, except that this time, I couldn't keep my eyes closed for more than 5 minutes. After 20-25 minutes of turning in bed and fighting with the pillows, I decided to turn off my iPod and on the television. Nothing watchable and still no CNN.

After another 5 minutes of nothingness: I got out of bed, turned off the television, drank a glass of milk and took my laptop with me back to bed. I'm still a little bobo with the new laptop, because I'm still not used to it. I was reading guidelines as if I understood a single word of what I was reading. My eyes suddenly felt tired. Computer clock read 6:37 AM. I folded my laptop's lid, I really needed to sleep na. Pero wala pa din.

Then, there it was. I was crying like a 5-year-old kid who's having separation anxiety on his first day at school. And all I could think was, please, not again, not after it took me a whole year to finally snap out of it. Please, no.

I couldn't stop myself from crying. I miss Papà so much, only this time I'm missing him more than the usual.

And, it's breaking my heart... still.

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