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Moniker: Dindin
Location: Milan, Italy
Religion: Roman Catholic
Star Sign: Libra

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Boyz II men - Amazed. [Lonestar cover]


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This is how I look like...  

Thursday, February 28, 2008

... when you wake me up, buzzing the hell out of our entry phone at 7.55 AM, especially when I dozed off at 4 something in the morning, and I haven't had a cup of coffee yet. And all you want to do is talk, talk, talk about your ex-boyfriend, your ex-boyfriend, and your ex-boyfriend while I'm still in my pajamas.

Waking up on the wrong side of the bed

But because I love you, it's all good.
Have a safe trip!!! I'll miss you!

There. You wanted a "grumpy" picture, now you have it. =p

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