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Will & Grace... and Din?  

Friday, April 04, 2008

Circa 2003

She 1: Din, I think you need a Will.

Me: Huh?

She 2: No, she needs a Grace. A male-gay version of Grace.

Me: Why?

She 2: Because you're the female-hetero version of Will. So, what you need is a male-gay version of Grace.

She 1: Yeah, you are the female-hetero version of William Truman! We need to find you a Grace.

She 2: A male-gay version of Grace.

She 1: Or maybe a Jack.

Me: I'm not Karen. I'm poor. And I don't have an Anastasia Beaverhausen-like alias. Though, I won't mind having a Jack.

She 1: But then again, you don't love happy pills and vodka.

She 2: No, a male-gay version of Grace is what you really need.

She 1: Yeah, I agree... I want a Rosario.

Haaayyy.. Those were the days, days when we had too much time to spare... I wonder where those two are now. I sort of miss them. =(

Yes, Will & Grace is one of my favourites.

And after watching Will & Grace's last episode, I sure don't mind having my own Jack. Haha! =P

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