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Eat Nothing But Chocolate.  

Saturday, June 14, 2008

I love chocolates.

Once, for almost 2 months lunch was:

3 bars of Kinder Maxi

and 3 glasses of Bravo (Rauch).

No one told me anything, because no one contradicts or tell you that you're doing something wrong when you've just lost your father. I knew it was wrong, but, at that time, I didn't want to stop doing it.

Anyway, ang scary nito...

"A 12-year-old girl has eaten almost nothing but chocolate all her life because she is so frightened of trying new foods.

Rebecca Scowcroft, from Bolton, eats 15 squares of cooking chocolate and 10 chocolate fingers every morning while her family opt for a more conventional breakfast of toast, eggs and cereal.

The schoolgirl, who is in perfectly good health, eats the same for lunch and Rice Krispies for dinner - but only if they are mixed in bowl of melted chocolate.

Rebecca suffers from a condition known as extreme food phobia, which doctors estimate affects at least one child in every school in Britain."

Continue Reading at Telegraph.co.uk.

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Julius drinks exactly the very same juice every day (mixed with sparkling water 'frizzante and 1 or 2 ice cubes')