A clenched fist in Amsterdam. 
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Night class is the most tiring thing I have ever done. Sometimes, I can't help but wonder if transfering in this class was the right thing to do. I used to be in a class where at age 20 I was already the oldest. Mostly, I had 15ers to 17ers as classmates except for two 19-year-old girls. I got tired of their petty fights, the never-ending-24/7-talk-about-their-crushes and having the police come to our school because some student hit another student for something stupid and/or childish. So, I decided to change class. In this new class, I'm not the youngest nor the oldest. I found "balance" in this class. The youngest is a 19-year-old girl who sometimes think as a 40-year-old woman while the oldest is a 56-year-old woman (who definitely looks younger!) who still knows how and when to be childish. It's tiring as hell. It's freezing cold when I go home. It takes me 2 hours to go to school and back home. And public transportation is ALWAYS late.
Then things like this happen. And I can't help but laugh out loud with them. =)
oh! And of course, learn something new.
Our lesson for today shall be called: A clenched fist in Amsterdam.
Rated 60/over. hehe.
F.Y.I.prof (reading from the book): the heart is the size of a clenched fist.
- Here in Italy, ewan ko dyan sa inyo.. Amsterdam is considered as "LA città del peccato"; "THE sin city".
- Our english teacher is the youngest teacher we have.. she's 27-32 years young. So, don't be surprise on why we almost always end up talking about things that has nothing to do with the lesson. 1/4 (more or less) of the class is older than her.
prof: anyone know what a clenched fist is? (now, she's looking at me!)
din-din: pugno serrato (obviously, i took that from somewhere in the book!)
ale: so, cleched is pugno and fist is serrato...?
prof: no, it's the other way around.
prof: clenched is serrato and fist is pugno.
luca: aahh.. fist è il pugno? (fist is the pugno?)
prof: yes. (silence.. i think she's waiting for another question.)
then here comes luca!
luca: i went to amsterdam last year... and i saw this sex shop (by "saw", he meant he entered the shop), and there was a fisting section.
prof: in a sexy shop?
luca: yes. in a sexy shop.
prof: what is this fisting thing?
luca: make a guess.. you're the english teacher.
luca: it's a sexual practice.
prof: is it like Sadism? (looking at luca then me.) take note: not because i'm supposed to know what fisitng is but because i'm the 2nd person who's almost good with english.
din-din: (raising my two hands, tipong hold-up! hehe) i have no idea.. maybe the person have to hit the partner in the face or something?
prof: that's what i think too.
the whole class agreed. then laughed.
prof: so, what kind of things do they sell for this fisting? boxing gloves? haha!
luca: ma noo.. (of course not!)
then he explained what fisitng is, how it is done.. and all that stuffs that i decided not to explain here (because, i found out that someone who is very maarte and will definitely spread the rumor that i'm a pervert visits this blog..) if you guys are interested just google the thing.. i'm sure you'll find something.
needless to say, we all had the same look on our faces.. the face of someone who just sucked a fresh lemon or someone who's simplyin pain disgusted. hahaha.
thank luca for sleepless english class.
ale: so, cleched is pugno and fist is serrato...?
prof: no, it's the other way around.
prof: clenched is serrato and fist is pugno.
luca: aahh.. fist è il pugno? (fist is the pugno?)
prof: yes. (silence.. i think she's waiting for another question.)
then here comes luca!
luca: i went to amsterdam last year... and i saw this sex shop (by "saw", he meant he entered the shop), and there was a fisting section.
prof: in a sexy shop?
luca: yes. in a sexy shop.
prof: what is this fisting thing?
luca: make a guess.. you're the english teacher.
luca: it's a sexual practice.
prof: is it like Sadism? (looking at luca then me.) take note: not because i'm supposed to know what fisitng is but because i'm the 2nd person who's almost good with english.
din-din: (raising my two hands, tipong hold-up! hehe) i have no idea.. maybe the person have to hit the partner in the face or something?
prof: that's what i think too.
the whole class agreed. then laughed.
prof: so, what kind of things do they sell for this fisting? boxing gloves? haha!
luca: ma noo.. (of course not!)
then he explained what fisitng is, how it is done.. and all that stuffs that i decided not to explain here (because, i found out that someone who is very maarte and will definitely spread the rumor that i'm a pervert visits this blog..) if you guys are interested just google the thing.. i'm sure you'll find something.
needless to say, we all had the same look on our faces.. the face of someone who just sucked a fresh lemon or someone who's simply
thank luca for sleepless english class.
Labels: Crazy world, Eskwela, Silly You
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Whispers for A clenched fist in Amsterdam.
- nixda whispered at Saturday, February 10, 2007 8:25:00 PM
maarte? hmmm, kailangan niya iyang pugno serrato siguro, pede ala rocky balboa ey! ^(°I°)^
aruuyyy, para akong sira dito! kakabagan na ako ... makauwi na nga :P
- Dindin whispered at Saturday, February 10, 2007 10:07:00 PM
hu needs rocky balboa, when i have him for a friend. ;)
- Sunday, February 11, 2007 6:13:00 PM whispered at
di ko nagagawa ang fisting na yan ah... matesting nga nga hehe
- nixda whispered at Monday, February 12, 2007 10:00:00 AM
fishing na lang, mas healthy pa wag lang sirena at baka mahampas kita ng buntot ko :D
- Tuesday, February 13, 2007 12:10:00 AM whispered at
anoh ba yang fisting fisting yan hehe?
- nixda whispered at Tuesday, February 13, 2007 9:46:00 PM
- Dindin whispered at Tuesday, February 13, 2007 11:22:00 PM
ganun?! tapang mo din ah.. hahah! kakayanin mo kaya?! ahahaha!
tama.. nga si ate RACKY mag-fishing-fishing ka na lang.. hehe..
- Dindin whispered at Wednesday, February 14, 2007 2:34:00 PM
i google mo lang.. i'm sure may makikita ka.. pero teka.. menor-de-edad ka pa yata eh.. wag na lang.. haha!
hapi puso! =)
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