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Sunday, November 11, 2007

I am aware that I am not the perfect girl. And I am not the "ligawin" type din.

I'm 23, I'm young, I may not be the prettiest but I ain't the ugliest either, parents (and grandparents) adore me, I'm fun (I'd like to think I am) to be with, I'm smart enough and in my own ways likable, if I REALLY wanted a boyfriend, believe you me, by now, I would have one.

And that's the point, I DO NOT WANT A BOYFRIEND, for now.

I don't know why most people think that if you're an adult old enough and single, it means you're sad and/or lonely or that there's probably something "wrong" with you. Fyi, not true.

And what I really don't understand is why there are people who don't get it when you say that YOU ARE NOT INTERESTED.

I want people to realize that maybe (just maybe) most people don't have partners boyfriends/girlfriends because they are not ready for it and/or simply don't need/want it at the moment. You know, not everyone of us are born to spend the biggest part of our lives with the same person. Just like, not everyone is born to be presidents but that's a different story.

Ladies and Gentlemen, when I say I am not interested in you romantically, it means that I am not interested in you romantically, don't think I'm just being "pakipot" because that is so not me; do not introduce me to your brother, cousin, son, grandson or friend, just because you think it could be a start of something romantic, I won't appreciate the gesture.

Getting in a relationship is not a matter of how old (or young) you are, it's not like your driver's license. For me, it's a matter of being ready or not and I am not. I think, I have not met another person who'll make me take the risk, again. (now, if you're Johnny Depp then I guess we could work something out.) As simple as that. And honestly, I don't need to exonerate myself to anyone. This is my life, if I have reasons, it's up to me if I want to keep it to myself or tell the whole world about it. Either way, you just have to accept the fact that I said "no".

Don't go calling me names, don't start trash talking about me, because it will reach me and it will make you look more stupid and too desperate. I mean, come on, act like a man!

It's one thing if we're friends, cause being my friend gives you the right to ask me anything (and demand an honest answer... depending on how friends we are) and introduce me to anyone you want, it's another if you think we're friends.

So people don't push it and let us all mind our own business, thankyouverymuch.

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