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Moniker: Dindin
Location: Milan, Italy
Religion: Roman Catholic
Star Sign: Libra

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While I was (not) sleeping.  

Thursday, November 29, 2007

I find it to hard to sleep when it's too quiet. The paranoia gets in. Or at least, I think it's paranoia. I start to think about things that I'd rather not think about at four (4) in the morning. I can hear my own thoughts and it's pulling me down.

I like silence. And I like to think, it keeps me motivated and it gives me direction. Thinking stimulates me. I like to wonder and I kinda like the idea of hearing my own thoughts.

What I don't like is silence at night and thinking at night, it's keeping me awake. Thinking for me is what coffee is to most people.

on other things:
Maraming salamat po Ate Rho. :)

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|* *| listened at 3:56 AM  
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Whispers for While I was (not) sleeping.