Wise men say only fools rush in. 
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Falling from the word fall [fawl]; verb (used without object)
- to pass into some physical, mental, or emotional condition.
In [in]; preposition
-also used to indicate inclusion within something abstract or immaterial.
Love [luhv]; noun
-a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.
-a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend.
-sexual passion or desire.
Falling in love (according to Wikipeda) is a mainly Western term used to describe the process of moving from a feeling of neutrality towards someone to one of love. [...] The term is generally used to describe an (eventual) love that is strong, although not necessarily permanent.
"Wise men say only fools rush in", "Shall I stay, would it be a sin."
Well, I guess I am a fool. Again.
How many times can one person fall in love with the same person in his/her entire lifetime?
Here I go again.
Same feeling.
Same person.
Different year.
How pathetic can I get?!
For goodness' sake!
I'm 23 years old. I should grow up now. But then again, they say, "Age doesn't matter in love" daw (I know they meant something else when they said that). Ick! I'm starting to gross my own self, haha! This is getting so pathetic na talaga.
Yes, this is me being cheesy, mushy and probably pathetic (to the bone). And yes, this is MY blog. Thankyouverymuch.
Labels: doing it the soap-opera way, Si Dindin, Silly Me, That's Amore
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