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Of What May Be.  

Sunday, February 02, 2014

The truth is, the biggest part of me cannot wait until it's summer and I can go back home.

This country, this city, the people in this city, the people I am forced to spend almost every day with, are bringing out the worst part of me, and I am not liking it. I am not liking what I am turning into.

I used to be one of the most positive person, thoughtful, idealistic, fair, productive, patient, and then this country and its people happened. I've always had this façade of being the most pessimistic person in a room, but people close to me knew I am the most idealistic person there is. Probably one of the major reasons why I always try my best to find the goodness in everyone, and probably also one of the major reasons why I am always "used and abused", as Asmae would say. I do not want to be a cynic, and I'm afraid that slowly I am turning to be exactly that kind of person.

Inside I am crying for the version of me that is slowly fading, being drowned by this newer, meaner, version I am becoming.

Maybe I'm overreacting, or maybe I am not.

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