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React muna ako.  

Monday, December 10, 2007

I've been (and still am) busy with school these past few weeks kaya I didn't get the chance to "react" on this yet.

My friend e-mailed me this and was asking if it's true. And since I'm still a bit busy until Christmas vacation comes in, I'll make this short and quick (and it's not like I have a lot to say).

As far as I know, South Border is still South Border. Tata Balane, Paul Benitez, Ric Junasa, Butch Victoriano and Jay Durias are still together, they are still South Border and they are currently working on their new album. And yes, Duncan Ramos and Vince Alaras still perform with the band.

"There is no truth to the talks that I am leaving South Border. This CD is something personal, something that I have worked long and hard for."
-Jay Durias

read more "stuffs".

And now, I'll write here what I told my friend, "Let's not get into these things, let's just enjoy South Border's music for as long as we can". :)

Thankyou. Bow.

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