Normally "un-normal". 
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Year 2006.
One morning, on the phone:
her: Can you stay long on the phone? What you doin'?
me: Vacuuming.
her: Did you not vacuum the house yesterday? You know, you don't have to vacuum every single day.
me: I know.
her: Oh no, please tell me you're not vacuuming the vacuum cleaner.
me: I'm not vacuuming the vacuum cleaner.
her: But you are, aren't you?
me: ...
her: You're not so normal. Call me when you're done.
That afternoon, at home, watching Rising Sun (take note: on VHS):
her: See, this is what I'm talking about. You are not normal.
me: What?
her: What did you just do?
me: So? I think it's too loud.
her: No. You saw that the TV's volume was on 6, and you had to put it on 7. For you, the television volume has to be on a certain number.
me: So?
her: What do you mean, "so?" That's not normal.
me: What?
her: Remember when we stayed in a hotel for 3 days and 2 nights, and you insisted on fixing your bed for THREE-DAYS-AND-TWO-NIGHTS? I mean, there are people who are paid to do that. And we were on vacation! Then, your books, oh, your books! Your books are alphabetically arranged, using the author's last name. And last week, when I asked you to come with me and help me do the grocery? Remember the teenager who dropped a box of Durex? Even if there was a group of old Filipino women staring at you, you still felt the urge to pick that box and put it back on the rack. And this morning, you were vacuuming the vacuum cleaner, for goodness' sake!
me: So? I want my things neat and clean. And in order. Is that so bad?
her: Neat? Clean? In order? Din, you're messy. You have your own kind of mess, but you are messy. And you're also maniacal.
me: Okei, some times I am with some things. But that doesn't mean I'm not normal. Or does it?
her: Well, most of the time, you're fastidious, but then again, you're messy. Din, you're a living contradiction.
me: So, you think I should see someone?
her: Like who? Sean Connery?
me: No. A doctor.
And I'm the one who's not normal...
Off to bed! Night-night! =)
[ back home ]
Whispers for Normally "un-normal".
- Saturday, April 12, 2008 4:26:00 PM whispered at