Weird Day. 
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Today was weird.
I woke up 30 minutes before my clock.. Well, alarmed. I tried going back to sleep, but couldn't. So, I just stayed in bed, awake, doing nothing, except to stare blankly at the nothingness in front of me.
On my way home, inside the bus, I felt like I was running out of air to breathe. I had to get off two bus stops early. It was a good long walk, I started to feel calm.
The whole day felt so dragging... And I wanted to cry. Not the normal, demure cry I often do. I wanted to cry, the hagulgol kind of cry.
What's up with that?
I'm feeling a bit better by the way.
Off to bed now. Night-night.
Labels: doing it the soap-opera way, I love Milano, Si Dindin, Silly Me
Sunday, March 27, 2011 
Sunday, March 27, 2011
It rained today. I swear the rain knows exactly when I need it.
Thank you, Pà! And thank you, Lord!
I feel a bit better, and so much calmer.
Labels: doing it the soap-opera way, Famiglia, I'm thinking of YOU, Si Dindin, That's Amore
Can't Let Go. 
Wednesday, March 09, 2011
I think I just found the perfect song to describe what I feel.
I tell you, sometimes, everything seems to be so weird. I was waiting in line to pay for my lunch when the girl next to me decided to take off her headphones and let her iPod's speaker do the singing.
Para lang akong sinapok.
"But I could never call you mine 'Cause I could never call myself yours And if we were really meant to be Well, then we just defied destiny It's not that our love died, it just never really bloomed"
I wrote some of the words I could remember as soon as I sat down, because I knew that I just had to look it up on YouTube when I'm home.
Labels: I love Milano, I'm thinking of YOU, Silly Me, That's Amore
These Are Not Tears Of Joy. 
Tuesday, March 08, 2011
Sometimes I can be so happy that I want to cry.
Like right now.
I am honestly, sincerely, wholeheartedly happy for you.
But, yes, I must admit, my heart feels terribly, terribly heavy.
Okei, night-night. I'll go cry myself to sleep now.
Labels: I'm thinking of YOU, That's Amore
My One-liner #6 : How? 
"How do you let go of someone you never had?"
No, seriously. How?
Labels: I'm thinking of YOU, My One-liner
Friday, March 04, 2011
I feel like I'm floating, but not the good kind. I was so distracted that this happened.
The weird thing was... I was passive about it. As in, hindi ako nagulat or anything. Parang wala lang nangyare.
Oh well.
Invisible Girl. 
I wish you'd look at me that way. Your beautiful eyes looking deep into mine, telling me more than any words could say, but you don't even know I'm alive.- Invisible Man by 98°
Labels: I'm thinking of YOU, Silly Me, Sing-A-Long, That's Amore, Wishing on a falling star
The Torture Of The News That Continues. 
I looked at the words.
I stared at them.
I stared hard. I stared as if I wanted those words scratched off. I stared at those words the way I stared at your face. The way I used to, yes, I used to stare at your face.
The intensity, the fire, the hurt.
The incertainty of it all has evolved into something certain.
The Certainty, the Truth, the Love.
Your happiness, my calmness.
Love has come for you, embrace it with all you've got. Pain came and touched me; I shall brace myself. I will cry, I will dwell, I will weep.
But I am not saddened, no I am not. I feel no hatred. I feel calmness, contentment, for love has come and touched you.
I wish you well. I wish the sun would shine brightly for you. I wish the stars would twinkle and make you see every thing as magical as it really is. The breeze will never be too cold, unless your heart desires it. I wish you well, with all of my heart, and with all that I am. Love has come for you to embrace, and it is yours to keep. I wish you love that gets stronger each day. I wish you contentment. I wish you happiness. Oh yes, I wish you well.
Labels: I'm thinking of YOU, That's Amore
Fox Town. 
Thursday, March 03, 2011
I've been feeling so down these past few days. I think it showed a little too much that A and her boyfriend, G, thought of going on a road trip. After a late lunch, at around 4PM we were headed to Fox Town, Mendrisio, Switzerland.
I have few but such great friends.
The best part of the trip was that the moment we passed the borders, it started to snow. I took no picture, though.
Yes. Snow. The snow and I, we have a special relationship. Yes. Me, the snow, and a few special people.
Thank you. :-)
♥ ♥ ♥
Labels: Friends, Lights Camera Action, Si Dindin, Viva Italia, Weder-Weather
Some News, Straight To The Heart. 
Wednesday, March 02, 2011
I looked and read through the words, over and over, and over again. And every time it felt like a deep stab in my heart, right where it hurts the most.
I closed my eyes.
And again, once more, this time, I say to myself, for the last time, I took a glimpse.
The words. I am weakened. I feel like I am drowning.
This can't be. This can't be real. This feels like going against Fate, fighting with Destiny. Sacrilege!
I am on the verge of having my heart broken. This time, for real. Into million tiny pieces.
Don't let it be.
The cold breeze, the million stars, the ray of the moon feels warm as it touches my face, and my dearly loved beast, are the only comfort I can find. Surreal but they keep me warm inside, they keep me warm where it matters, in my heart.
The thought of you with someone else makes me weak.
A tear. The thought. The devastation. The truth.
But I'm holding on. I refuse to let go. For a string of hope, is still hope, after all.
I wish I could easily shut you out of my life, but I can't bear the thought of it.
And who am I to blame you? For wanting happiness in your life, for being brave enough to look for it, and embrace it when it touched you.
I was a coward. And I am a coward. And I fear that you'll never know how you make me feel.
Just once, I wish you could look through my eyes, and feel through my heart, so you'll know what you mean to me. Just this once, for once will be more than I could ever ask for, for once is all you need to feel how wonderful of a gift you are to everyone in your life.
The words of incertainty haunts me through the day. I am weakened.
I feel that I should let this be known, that as weird as it may sound, I am not saddened. Deep down in my heart, the thought of you being happy with some one who is not me makes me weak, but I am sincerely happy for your happiness.
Your happiness calms me.
I want to share my life with you. I want to share my happiness with you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
For this time, the uncertainty doesn't kill me. It gives me a pinch of hope to hold on to. So, I am holding on. I am not letting go... Just not yet.
I still believe in you and me. I still believe in us. I still believe in us together, forever. I still believe we are meant to be.
Labels: I'm thinking of YOU, That's Amore