Oh mio Dio! 
Monday, December 31, 2007
"Che noia."
"Già. Ci sposiamo?"
"A fine Dicembre...?"
"E dove?"
"Qui a Milano."
"Voi ci sarete?"
"Sì, è ovvio."
"Ma dite sul serio?"
"Sì, è ovvio."
"Okei, e matrimonio sia!"
"Come va ragazzi?"
"Beh, mamma, hanno deciso di sposarsi.. fra 2 mesi."
"Ah, vabbè, se è quello che vogliono."
"Ma sposarsi sul serio.."
"Cosa? Oh mio Dio! Oh mio Dio! OH-MIO-DIO!"
Un anno dopo... ancora molto insieme ed ancora molto innamorati!
Buon Anniversario piccioncini!!!!
(Dovunque voi siate!
and, of course,
(Dovunque voi siate!

and, of course,
Labels: Buhay ng may Buhay, Friends, Halo-Halo Special, That's Amore
Christmas message. 
Monday, December 24, 2007
In a world of injustice, God once and for all tips the scales in the favor of hope.-Max Lucado
As you relive in your heart the miracle of that first Christmas, hope your life is filled with His love. May you enjoy a very merry Christmas filled with all the people and things you love.
Happy Christmas everyone! =)
Labels: Halo-Halo Special
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Of all the Christmases, this Christmas is the most Un-Christmas. I started decorating the house last December 16 and finished 2 days later, have not attended any Christmas party, and started shopping for gifts only last Saturday. I am not feeling the Christmas this year. Not yet.
Anyway, I just realize some thing yesterday: The best time to buy all your Christmas presents is 3 days before the 25th of December at 8 o'clock in the morning, when everyone else is still at work.
Labels: Halo-Halo Special, Pouting, Si Dindin
K24/7 - Kindred, 24 Hours A Day, 7 Days A Week 
Friday, December 14, 2007
Now, once again, say it with me, "Kindred, 24 Hours A Day, 7 Days A Week" or simply K24/7.
I recently (questionable, hehe) discovered a new (well, not really new) band. I've heard about them na before, since, if I'm not mistaken, they're South Border's sister band and Dylan Durias was one of them, so go figure.
I have Multiply friends who "regularly" upload videos of the band and I've seen some videos on YouTube na din but the sounds are just not that good kaya I never really listened/watched them. Yes, I'm maarte like that.
Anyway, I've been receiving emails from imeem.com, since early July yata yun, telling me that Bem invited me to join blah, blah, blah. So last week, I gave in and registered.
Actually, I don't remember how I ended up listening to them, all I know is that there's this girl and there's this boy who (for reasons I don't know) have a collection of K24/7's live performances recorded with great quality sounds, and I'm sure glad that I got to listen to them. :)
click play. :)
They're good, di ba? Of course, they are.
- RYAN DAGUISO - vocals
- PAOLO BAÑAGA - vocals, keyboard
- TEDDY KATIGBAK - keyboard, vocals
- 'E' - lead guitar, vocals
- RJ MANESE - bass guitar
- ANTHONY DIO - drums
For inquiries and bookings, you can contact:
mobile: +639193758566; +639065512646
e-mail: alonadavid67@yahoo.com
OFFICIAL WEBSITE: k247.50webs.com
Friendster Profile: profiles.friendster.com/k247band
She probably would already know that I'd like this band since she knows that I'm a die-hard fan of BoyzIImen, haha! Sssshhhh...
React muna ako. 
Monday, December 10, 2007
I've been (and still am) busy with school these past few weeks kaya I didn't get the chance to "react" on this yet.
My friend e-mailed me this and was asking if it's true. And since I'm still a bit busy until Christmas vacation comes in, I'll make this short and quick (and it's not like I have a lot to say).
As far as I know, South Border is still South Border. Tata Balane, Paul Benitez, Ric Junasa, Butch Victoriano and Jay Durias are still together, they are still South Border and they are currently working on their new album. And yes, Duncan Ramos and Vince Alaras still perform with the band.
"There is no truth to the talks that I am leaving South Border. This CD is something personal, something that I have worked long and hard for."-Jay Durias
read more "stuffs".
And now, I'll write here what I told my friend, "Let's not get into these things, let's just enjoy South Border's music for as long as we can". :)
Thankyou. Bow.
Labels: Friends, Si Dindin, South Border
Wise men say only fools rush in. 
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Falling from the word fall [fawl]; verb (used without object)
- to pass into some physical, mental, or emotional condition.
In [in]; preposition
-also used to indicate inclusion within something abstract or immaterial.
Love [luhv]; noun
-a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.
-a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend.
-sexual passion or desire.
Falling in love (according to Wikipeda) is a mainly Western term used to describe the process of moving from a feeling of neutrality towards someone to one of love. [...] The term is generally used to describe an (eventual) love that is strong, although not necessarily permanent.
"Wise men say only fools rush in", "Shall I stay, would it be a sin."
Well, I guess I am a fool. Again.
How many times can one person fall in love with the same person in his/her entire lifetime?
Here I go again.
Same feeling.
Same person.
Different year.
How pathetic can I get?!
For goodness' sake!
I'm 23 years old. I should grow up now. But then again, they say, "Age doesn't matter in love" daw (I know they meant something else when they said that). Ick! I'm starting to gross my own self, haha! This is getting so pathetic na talaga.
Yes, this is me being cheesy, mushy and probably pathetic (to the bone). And yes, this is MY blog. Thankyouverymuch.
Labels: doing it the soap-opera way, Si Dindin, Silly Me, That's Amore
When the pain never goes away. 
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
I miss him.
Papà was a widower, an orphan and had already lost a younger brother when he and Mamma met. All these happened when he was already an adult, already aware of hurt and pain, and had to be strong for people he cared about.
When my maternal Lolo died, I remember him saying, "The hurt never goes away, it will always be there and as more years will pass, the more it will hurt". I now know he's right, the hurt never goes away and the pain only gets deeper. As time pass by, we think it hurts less only because it's been there for so long that the feeling becomes familiar to us. The pain never goes away and it doesn't hurt less, we just get used to having it around and eventually learn how to live with it.
I miss Papà.
Labels: Famiglia, Si Dindin, That's Amore
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Like any other high schooler, I was once trapped in the cruel (and silly) world of high school love-chuvaness. I won't elaborate on it, though.
In the middle of those love-chuvaness, a highschool friend once told me that we can never have everything (and everyone) we want. And I remember saying, "You're wrong because we can have everything (maybe not everyone. And I say maybe.) that we want just not all at the same time.
Am I right or am I right? :)
Labels: Friends, Si Dindin, That's Amore