Learn To Ask. 
Friday, May 28, 2010
Ask, and you shall receive.
Sometimes, we want something so bad that we just frantically work, and do everything we can to have it. We make things difficult for ourselves. Sometimes, I think that most of us feel like we can have everything we want by working exhaustingly until we have what we want, and do not like the idea of having to thank someone for it. But you know, some times all you have to do is ask.

The next day, I woke up to this:
God is good.
Labels: I love Milano, Lights Camera Action, Mundong Ibabaw, Weder-Weather, Wishing on a falling star
Almost Pinoy Merienda. 
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Thanks to my sister-in-law, I had these for merienda. :-)
Labels: Famiglia, Lights Camera Action, Mabuhay Pilipinas
Just Because. 
Since I am feeling frustrated with my Filipino citizenship, or lack of it, and because I am starting to really dislike (because hate is such a strong word, hahaha) everyone at the Consulate. I'll just look at Dexter's pictures. Dexter was my nephews cat, who passed away last May 5, 2010. I know, it'll probably just make me more depressed, but you know... Dexter's such a sweetheart!
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
Labels: Dexter, Famiglia, Lights Camera Action, Mabuhay Pilipinas
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Most times I have a weird sense of humour that only a few people (mostly those who are close to me, or those who like me have a weird sense of humour) get and understand. There are times when I can find humour in the most normal, unhumorous things.
I don't like talking to people who do not have a sense of humour. Life would be too boring and too dragging, if you take everything too seriously and cannot laugh at yourself, every once in a while. I stopped following people on Twitter, unfriend some people on Facebook, and stopped reading some blogs, because I don't get their sense of humour, or lack of it. I'm not saying I have the best and greatest sense of humour in the whole wide world, but you know, last time I checked this is a free world. :-)
Twitter is one of my sources for funny things. A lot of people there are just plain hilarious. Smartmatic PCOS machine (@PCOSmachine) has a Twitter account, it's hilarious! Hahaha! You should follow it (I'm not following it, it tweets too much, but I do visit its page to read its tweet). And I got this one off Twitter too. If you are too sensitive, and do not understand humour, leave now.
Cheers Pilipinas, the new Springfield!

[Image via http://twitpic.com/1mvd2w]
Labels: Crazy world, Mabuhay Pilipinas, Silly Me, Silly You
Election Fever. 
Thursday, May 06, 2010

Premise: I don't think that people who'll go Yellow on the 10th don't think. (No pun intended.)
As much as I respect everyone's opinion, and though I still don't have the right nor the privilege to vote (Who else thinks that me being 25 and still haven't got the chance/right to vote once is just plain ridiculous?! Shucks, ano ba?!!), may I ask everyone to please don't let Noynoy Aquino be the next president of our beloved Philippines. Seriously.
Vote wisely!
Vote for the person who you believe in. Don't waste your vote, as long as you vote for the person who you really think deserves to lead the country, win or lose, your vote won't be wasted. There are people, like me, who terribly wish we can vote but can't.
I am deeply saddened by how some people think that their vote (or not voting) could not affect the results of the election. It's not just ONE vote, it's so much more than that.
Last Sunday we went to Piacenza with a whole bunch of other Pinoys, as in a whole bus of Pinoys, I asked them if they're voting, almost 75-80% of them said "no", I asked them why, and they said "Hindi naman ako naka-rehistro eh" (Not a registered voter). Shit! Ano ba?! If they weren't all older than I am, I would have said, "'Bat di ka nagpa-rehistro?!" Why do most OFWs think this election won't affect them just because they live abroad? And why is the Consulate being such a pain, on almost everything that has to be done in their office?!
Go out and vote!
There are 2 ways to waste your vote: (1) is to not vote; and (2) is voting for someone just because surveys say he'll win. The moment you vote for that person is the exact same moment you'll waste your vote. Please vote wisely, don't use too much of your heart in deciding who should be the next president of our country.
Thank you.
Please read also:
Chuvaness.com - Forget the surveys - http://chuvaness.livejournal.com/867006.html
If you're asking who I would vote for.. Well, if I had the right, and the privilege I'd probably vote for either Richard Gordon, Manny Villar, or Gibo Teodoro, in that order.
Labels: Buhay ng may Buhay, Halo-Halo Special, Mabuhay Pilipinas, Politica, Si Dindin
To Die Of A Broken Heart. 
Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Only few people believe that someone could actually die of a broken heart, and I'm one of those few people. Most people say I'm just being too sentimental.. Well... My friend's dog, who she left in Peru last year, just died. According to the vet. the dog died of a broken heart.. So sad. :-(
I'm now worried for my Andi. When I talked to Andi's vet. about leaving her behind when I travel so that I could spare her the trauma of long, exhausting flights, the vet. told me that my dog would definitely prefer the long exhausting flight than to be left behind and not spend time with me for a long time. And now this. I don't want her to get sick because she's going to be too sad when I leave without her. :-(
Labels: Andi, Dog's Life, doing it the soap-opera way